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"Zerosack Networks blogs are about sharing technical knowledge with the world to get awareness and basic facts about modern technology, programming, cloud computing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, technology history, business, laws and policies, and more."

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Why Mobile responsive sites matter. By: Rajat Kumar | 19 May, 2017

Introduction to why mobile responsive site important:
Today we are going to learn new era of internet applications and web experience, so before take deep...

How to Use Open Graph Protocol Meta Tags for Social Network With Example By: Rajat Kumar | 14 May, 2017

Open Graph Protocol The social structured data tags are the way your site appears when shared via social media like Facebook and Twitter by adding...

How to change your Default Timezone in Shared hosting web server By: Rajat Kumar | 03 April, 2017

Hello techies today we are going to discuss about how to set or change Timezone in shared hosting server through .htaccess file, PHP.ini file and...

How to change Default Timezone in VPS and Dedicated web hosting servers By: Rajat Kumar | 03 April, 2017

Hello techies today we are going to discuss about how to set or change Timezone in VPS and Dedicated web hosting servers. These all methods...

What is Domain Name Server (DNS) and How Does It Work? By: Rajat Kumar | 22 March, 2017

Hello techies today we are going to discuss about Domain Name Server or DNS for web servers and how the all these activity works in...

Steps for designing any dynamic website (for beginner). By: Rajat Kumar | 11 March, 2017

Hello techies today we are talking about what are the main steps that keep in mind when designing and developing any custom website or web-application.

Top 10 best SEO techniques must use in website Year 2020 (for beginner). By: Rajat Kumar | 07 March, 2017

Hello techies today we are going to talk about top 10 best SEO (search engine optimization) techniques must use while designing any custom website or...

Profitable bidding strategies or max CPC for keyword in PPC (AdWords & Bing Ads). By: Rajat Kumar | 28 February, 2017

Profitable bidding strategies or max CPC of keyword is very important factor in terms of profit margin of any product and service. Although we can...

What is ROI, ROAS and Conversion Value in digital marketing (or PPC). By: Rajat Kumar | 20 February, 2017

In this article we discuss about ROI (return on investment), ROAS (return on advertisement spend) and conversion cost value of product or service in digital...

Keywords Match Type in PPC for Google Ads & Bing Ads With Examples By: Rajat Kumar | 05 February, 2017

Hello techies welcome to the new exciting article about keywords match type in PPC for Google & Bing Ads. Before we go further let’s talk...