JavaScript Download: Handling Content-Disposition Headers for Attachments and Inlines
By: Rajat Kumar | Last Updated: April 16, 2023
Hello techies in the article we are going to learn how we can download files that are coming from HTTP requests as a response using javascript.
In this article we will use two types of methods to download file that is returning from the server, First using the javascript native fetch() API method. And second, using the Axios library. But first, we have to look into some basics of content disposition.
What is the “Content-Disposition” header:
Content-Disposition headers are set by the response files to tell the request how the file download data or file will present to you.
The Content-Disposition header is used to provide additional information about how the content should be displayed or handled by the user agent (e.g., web browser). It can be used to suggest a file name for downloaded content, specify that the content should be displayed inline or as an attachment, and provide other metadata.
There are two main types of Content-Disposition headers:
- Content-Disposition: attachment; This header tells the user agent to download the content as a separate file, rather than displaying it inline. The filename parameter can be used to suggest a file name for the downloaded content. For example, a user might click a link to download a PDF document with a suggested file name of "report.pdf"
- Content-Disposition: inline; This header tells the user agent to display the content inline, if possible, as part of the current document. For example, a PDF document might be displayed inline in a web page.
Here are some examples of Content-Disposition headers:
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="report.pdf"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="data.csv"; disposition=attachment
Example Explanation:
In the first example, the content should be displayed inline if possible.
In the second example, the content should be downloaded as a separate file with a suggested file name of "report.pdf".
In the third example, the disposition parameter is included to explicitly specify that the content should be downloaded as a separate file.
Download file using native JavaScript Fetch API:
When the header is set to Content-disposition: attachment;
In order to download a file that is returned from a server with a Content-Disposition: attachment header using JavaScript, you can use the Fetch API to make an HTTP request to the server, and then use the Blob and URL.createObjectURL APIs to create a URL for the file data, which can be used to trigger a download.
Here's an example:
.then(response => response.blob())
.then(blob => {
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = url; = "file.pdf";
Code explanation:
In this example, we"re using the fetch function to make an HTTP request to the server to retrieve the file. The response.blob() method is used to convert the response to a Blob object.
Once we have the Blob object, we use the URL.createObjectURL method to create a URL for the file data. We create an <a> element, set its href attribute to the URL, and set its download attribute to the desired file name.
We append the <a> element to the document body, simulate a click on it using the click method, and then remove it from the document body.
Finally, we revoke the URL using the URL.revokeObjectURL method to free up memory.
This example assumes that the server is returning a Content-Type header that is appropriate for the file type, such as application/pdf for a PDF file. If the server is not returning the appropriate content type, you may need to specify it explicitly in the Blob constructor by passing an options object with a type property.
When the header is set to Content-disposition: inline;
If the server returns a file with a Content-Disposition: inline header, it means that the file should be displayed inline in the browser window. In this case, you don"t need to trigger a file download, as the browser will handle displaying the file. However, you may need to handle the response appropriately in your JavaScript code.
To display the file in the browser window, you can create a URL for the file data using the Blob and URL.createObjectURL APIs, and then set the src attribute of an <iframe> or other elements to the URL.
Here's an example:
.then(response => response.blob())
.then(blob => {
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = url;
Code explanation:
In this example, we"re using the fetch API to make an HTTP request to the server to retrieve the file. We call the blob() method on the response to convert the response data to a Blob object.
Once we have the blob, we use the URL.createObjectURL method to create a URL for the file data. We create an <iframe> element, set its src attribute to the URL, and append it to the document body.
The browser should automatically display the file inline in the <iframe> element.
Note that not all file types can be displayed inline in a browser window. For example, PDF files can generally be displayed inline, but other file types such as images or videos may require a different approach.
Download file using JavaScript Axios library:
When the header is set to Content-disposition: attachment;
To download a file that is returned from a server with a Content-Disposition: attachment header using axios library in JavaScript, you can use the responseType configuration option to specify that the response should be treated as a blob, and then use the Blob and URL.createObjectURL APIs to create a URL for the file data, which can be used to trigger a download.
Here is example code:
url: "/path/to/file",
method: "GET",
responseType: "blob"
}).then(response => {
const url = URL.createObjectURL(;
const a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = url; = "file.pdf";
Code explanation:
In this example, we are using the axios library to make an HTTP request to the server to retrieve the file. We specify the responseType configuration option as "blob" to indicate that the response should be treated as a blob.
Once we have the blob, we use the URL.createObjectURL method to create a URL for the file data. We create an <a> element, set its href attribute to the URL, and set its download attribute to the desired file name.
We append the <a> element to the document body, simulate a click on it using the click method, and then remove it from the document body.
Finally, we revoke the URL using the URL.revokeObjectURL method to free up memory.
This example assumes that the server is returning a Content-Type header that is appropriate for the file type, such as application/pdf for a PDF file. If the server is not returning the appropriate content type, you may need to specify it explicitly in the headers configuration option.
When the header is set to Content-disposition: inline;
If the server returns a file with a Content-Disposition: inline header, it means that the file should be displayed inline in the browser window. In this case, you don"t need to trigger a file download, as the browser will handle displaying the file. However, you may need to handle the response appropriately in your JavaScript code.
To download the file using Axios, you can use the responseType configuration option to specify that the response should be treated as a blob, and then use the Blob and URL.createObjectURL APIs to create a URL for the file data, which can be used to display the file in an <iframe> or other elements.
Here"s an example:
url: "/path/to/file",
method: "GET",
responseType: "blob"
}).then(response => {
const url = URL.createObjectURL(;
const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = url;
Code explanation:
In this example, we are using the axios library to make an HTTP request to the server to retrieve the file. We specify the responseType configuration option as "blob" to indicate that the response should be treated as a blob.
Once we have the blob, we use the URL.createObjectURL method to create a URL for the file data. We create an <iframe> element, set its src attribute to the URL, and append it to the document body.
The browser should automatically display the file inline in the <iframe> element.
Note that not all file types can be displayed inline in a browser window. For example, PDF files can generally be displayed inline, but other file types such as images or videos may require a different approach.
Hope this article will help you to understand the approaches you can use when dealing with Content-Dispositon: attachment or an inline file download.
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