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"Are you looking to learn HTML from scratch? Look no further! Our HTML course is designed for both beginners and advanced learners who want to master the fundamental concepts of HTML. Our comprehensive course covers everything from the basic concepts of HTML, including tags, attributes, and elements, to the more advanced concepts such as multimedia, responsive design, and accessibility."

HTML Form Attributes

HTML attributes are extra information that can be added to an HTML element to modify its appearance or behavior. For example, you can use the id attribute to give a unique identifier to an element, or the class attribute to assign one or more classes to an element.

HTML forms are a crucial component in web development that allows users to interact with websites, input data, and submit it to a server for further processing. HTML form attributes play a significant role in making forms more user-friendly, accessible, and secure. In this article, we will discuss some of the essential HTML form attributes and their usage with examples.



The action attribute specifies the URL of the server-side script that will process the submitted form data. For example:

<form action="/submit-form.php" method="post">

Here, the form data will be submitted to the URL '/submit-form.php' via HTTP POST method.



The method attribute specifies the HTTP method that will be used to submit the form data to the server. The two most commonly used methods are GET and POST. For example:

<form action="/submit-form.php" method="post">

Here, the form data will be submitted via HTTP POST method.



The name attribute specifies a unique name for the form, which can be used to identify the form and its elements in server-side scripts. For example:

<form action="/submit-form.php" method="post" name="contact-form">

Here, the form has a name contact-form, which can be used to access its elements in server-side scripts.



The enctype attribute specifies the encoding type used to submit the form data to the server. The two most commonly used encoding types are application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data. For example:

<form action="/submit-form.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

Here, the form data will be submitted using the multipart/form-data encoding type, which is used when uploading files.



The autocomplete attribute specifies whether the browser should enable autocomplete for the form elements. The values can be "on" or "off". For example:

<form action="/submit-form.php" method="post" autocomplete="off">

Here, the browser will not enable autocomplete for the form elements.



The target attribute specifies where to display the response received from the server after submitting the form. The values can be "_self" (default), "_blank", "_parent", or "_top". For example:

<form action="/submit-form.php" method="post" target="_blank">

Here, the response will be displayed in a new tab or window.



The novalidate attribute specifies whether the form data should be validated before submission. The values can be "true" or "false". For example:

<form action="/submit-form.php" method="post" novalidate="true">

Here, the form data will not be validated before submission.



The accept-charset attribute specifies the character encoding used to submit the form data to the server. The values can be "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", or other character encoding types. For example:

<form action="/submit-form.php" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8">

Here, the form data will be submitted using the UTF-8 character encoding type.



The onsubmit attribute specifies a JavaScript function to be executed when the form is submitted. For example:

<form action="/submit-form.php" method="post" onsubmit="return validateForm()">

Here, the validateForm() function will be executed before submitting the form.


These are some of the most common and useful HTML attributes that can be used with form elements. There are many more attributes that can be used for specific types of input elements, such as type, value, placeholder, required, disabled, checked, etc. You can learn more about them by reading the HTML documentation or by using online resources and tutorials.