Learn CSS

"If you want to learn how to style and design web pages, you need to master CSS. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and it is the language that defines the appearance and layout of HTML elements. In this course, you will learn the basics of CSS, such as selectors, properties, values, units, and colors. You will also learn how to use CSS to create responsive web design, animations, transitions, and more. By the end of this course, you will be able to create beautiful and functional web pages using CSS."

CSS Opacity

CSS opacity is a property that allows you to control the transparency of an element. The opacity value ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 is completely transparent and 1 is completely opaque. In this chapter, we'll discuss how to use the CSS opacity property to add transparency to elements on your web pages.



The syntax for the CSS opacity property is straightforward. You simply set the opacity value for an element using the following syntax:

opacity: value;

Where "value" is a number between 0 and 1.



Here are some examples of using the opacity property:


Setting the opacity of an element to 0.5 (50% transparency)

Let's say we have a div element that we want to make partially transparent. We can use the CSS opacity property to achieve this effect:

div {
 background-color: blue;
 opacity: 0.5;

In this example, we've set the background color of the div to blue and the opacity to 0.5. This will make the div partially transparent, allowing the content behind it to show through.

Note that the opacity property affects not only the content of the element, but also any child elements it contains.

<div class="container">
 <p>This is some text inside the div.</p>
 <button>Click me</button>
.container {
 background-color: blue;
 opacity: 0.5;

In this example, both the paragraph and the button elements inside the div will also be partially transparent.


Setting the opacity of an image to 0.8 (80% transparency)

img {
 opacity: 0.8;


Setting the opacity of a button on hover

button:hover {
 opacity: 0.7;

In this example, the opacity of the button will be reduced to 0.7 (70% transparency) when the mouse hovers over it.


Making text slightly transparent

p {
 opacity: 0.9;

In this example, the text within all p elements will be slightly transparent with an opacity of 0.9 (90% transparency).


Opacity vs. RGBA

It's worth noting that the CSS opacity property is different from using RGBA (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) color values to set transparency. While both methods can achieve similar effects, there are some key differences to keep in mind.

The main difference is that the opacity property affects the entire element and any child elements it contains. RGBA values, on the other hand, only affect the color of the element itself, leaving any child elements unaffected. Additionally, using RGBA values allows for more precise control over the transparency level, while the opacity property only allows for whole-number values between 0 and 1.

The CSS opacity property is a useful tool for adding transparency to elements on your web pages. Whether you're looking to create a subtle visual effect or make text more readable against a background image, the opacity property can help you achieve the desired effect.