Learn CSS

"If you want to learn how to style and design web pages, you need to master CSS. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and it is the language that defines the appearance and layout of HTML elements. In this course, you will learn the basics of CSS, such as selectors, properties, values, units, and colors. You will also learn how to use CSS to create responsive web design, animations, transitions, and more. By the end of this course, you will be able to create beautiful and functional web pages using CSS."

CSS Fonts

CSS Fonts are an important aspect of web design, as they help to set the tone and style of a website. In CSS, there are several font properties that can be used to control the appearance of text on a webpage.



This property is used to set the font family for the text. It can be set to a specific font name, or a list of font names separated by commas. If the specified font is not available, the browser will use a fallback font.

p {
 font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;



This property is used to set the size of the font. It can be set to a specific size in pixels, ems, rems, or percentages.

p {
 font-size: 16px;



This property is used to set the style of the font. It can be set to normal, italic, or oblique.

p {
 font-style: italic;



This property is used to set the weight of the font. It can be set to normal, bold, or a number between 100 and 900.

p {
 font-weight: bold;



This property is used to set the variant of the font. It can be set to normal or small-caps.

p {
 font-variant: small-caps;



This property is used to set the width of the font. It can be set to condensed, normal, or expanded.

p {
 font-stretch: condensed;



This property is used to adjust the font size to maintain the same x-height. It can be set to a number greater than 0.

p {
 font-size-adjust: 0.5;



This property is used to set the quality of the text rendering. It can be set to auto, optimizeSpeed, optimizeLegibility, geometricPrecision, or inherit.

p {
 text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;

These are just a few of the many CSS font properties that are available. By using these properties, you can customize the appearance of text on your webpage to create a unique and visually appealing design.